Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Four Days in Denver

A week ago Sunday I hopped a flight to Denver to attend the Inforum 2012 conference. (aka Lawson's CUE)  The weather was perfect and the conference was chock full of good sessions.  When the conference ended on Wednesday I had a few hours of free time so I walked down (up?) to the Denver Art Museum.

In a word:  Awesome!

But since a one word blog wouldn't be all that exciting (though I could see there might be some appeal to those who read all my words)...I'll continue.

The Denver Art Museum.

I walked to the museum from the Convention Center in a bit of a round about way, but it did allow me to check out some beautiful city architecture.

Walking under one of the corners....

Civic Center Park, as viewed through a window in the Denver Art Museum

I thought this was the US Mint when I walked by but when I got home and looked on a map it turns out the Mint was behind this building which is the "City and County Building" (whatever that actually is.)

I wish I had more time at the museum because 2 1/2 hours really isn't near enough time to even get a feel for the place, but it did give me a good overview of the two buildings that are attached to each other.  You could probably call it a speed viewing, but I did enjoy some beautiful art.

Edgar Payne - the clouds are luminous

I toured "Read My Pins:  the Madeleine Albright Collection" - I'd not realized her thoughts behind the pins she chose, but now that I've seen the exhibit I'm impressed and the next time I see a photo of her from when she was U.S. Secretary of State I'll take a look to see if I can recognize her pin.

This was probably 3 feet tall and I so badly wanted to reach out and touch it, something about it called to me

You KNOW I couldn't pass up a horse.  I'd love to have him in my yard.

I spent most of my time viewing the Western and Native American art.  I skimmed through the Asian, Central and South American art.  There were entire floors dedicated to each and I had to make a decision early on about what I wanted to check out...I'm happy with my choices.

The color is breathtaking

I'd like to go back to and view in more detail the European art.  Some amazing portraits of European Royalty.  And the frames...Wow.  (But I didn't take any photos - I think I was just overwhelmed.)

Eventually I had to head back to the hotel to get my luggage and hop a ride to the airport.  I said goodbye to the Blue Bear who spent his (her?) time peering inside the Convention Center. (I walked under his legs each morning.)

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