Sunday, January 6, 2013

I've Been a Stranger Here

2013 - is it really a new year, already?

It is such a cliche to say time flies, but it truly does.

I'd started to write an update after Thanksgiving but ran into an issue where I couldn't upload photos to my blog.  And if you know me, you know I need to upload photos.

It was telling me I'd reached my free limit and needed to upgrade.  Huh?  So, rather than investigate right away I procrastinated.  I tried again a couple weeks later and got the same message.  At that point it was smack in the middle of the holidays, and much as I would have been happy to write about what was going on, I wanted to be able to include photos, but didn't want to take the time to figure out what happened.

Fast forward to today and I'd decided to investigate the problem.  But wouldn't you know, it is letting me upload photos!

Blu in the cross ties

I don't want to sound ungrateful, I'm curious what the issue was, but since I didn't take screen shots of the error message, or take notes at the time, I've got nothing to go by.  Frustrating.  I'm going to have to revert to the process that I use at work - write it off as an anomaly unless it happens again, then take the time to investigate.

Now I have to decide if I write about all that has gone on since I last wrote (which was early November) or start fresh?

How about some highlights of what's been going on since November?

A beach ride with my sister in law:

(Todd took this photo on one of his rides on Blu - I love it)

Before riding onto the beach 

 Riding lessons with my niece:

Las Vegas for the 2012 National Finals Rodeo:

A new buddy:
See my bird 'Buddy' roosting?  I see him almost every morning and evening.

Beautiful sunrises:
Walked out of my garage one morning to this beautiful sight

Torrential rains:
Mini-monsoon type rains - nothing like the Super Storm Sandy, but for our area, pretty intense

New outdoor art:

Metal Cactus with Tiki Torch

Guess I am able to update two months worth of activities in one post.....